Generally, a framework is a set of reusable libraries and/or, classes. Web developers find frameworks like the big time-savers, especially if they are going to PHP. PHP frameworks have always been a great blessing for developers who go for dynamic web application development. Why? You may ask, surely one can find myriad of options out there.
More about PHP in Web Development
PHP frameworks support rapid application development (RAD) that means developers need not toil around the same issue for a long time repeating the code structures. The trending PHP frameworks are CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend, and Yii, while it is not an issue that every programmer has his own choice of technology, but what is making more buzz and why, is the issue of concern.
Why CodeIgniter for Web Development?
An easy-to-configure, open-source framework, CodeIgniter makes PHP approachable, while simplifying its syntax. What makes Codeigniter the popular PHP framework are its key features which are explained below.
MVC Architecture
It is an MVC based framework, where MVC short for Model-View-Controller, is a software architecture or design pattern adopted during website development. Under this architecture, the whole application gets divided into three interconnecting sections, giving developers a platform to perform future up gradations or customizations without any setback.
- Model- The lowest level of architecture responsible for data maintenance
- View- The section where the data will be displayed to users
- Controller- The segment which maintains the interaction between the other two segments (Model and View)
Form Validation
One of the most important aspects while developing a web application is the form validation. It allows to store and access accurate data in the right format. CodeIgniter, on the same page, makes form validation an easy task for the web developers. Under this framework it is easy to apply custom validation; also, it comes with a good number of built-in form validations that makes it non-reliable on scripts.
Built-in Security Tools
It is a common practice to remove slashes when retrieving the data from your database, but with the codeIgniter’s built-in security tools such issues are seen through default settings. These default settings address the database issue through turning off the magic quotes runtime directives that are initialized when a query is entered. With such multiple features, programmers find it a lot easier to proceed with the web development process.
Error Handling
How good it will be to think that we can access the error messages in a developing mode than while in the later production stage. It is certainly a boon for developers and they can certainly have this through a mechanism under CodeIgniter. Also, the feature under this PHP framework allows saving debugging messages as text files by providing instructions to error-logging class.
Database Caching Class
Reduce the database loads by caching the queries as text files. And, how to enable a cache is explained in these three simple steps.
- To store the cache files, a writable directory is created on the server
- In the application/config/database.php file, a path will be set for the cache folder
- Either by globally or manually enable the caching feature by setting the preference in application/config/database.php file
Developing feature-rich web applications is surely be a challenging task, but not with this toolkit in the hand. CodeIgniter 4.0 being the latest version comes with simple integration features hence becoming the most preferred framework for web developers.
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