Google Console Modified for Unsubscribing From Mails


Google has come up with a new feature which lets webmasters unsubscribe from mail notifications. It has been recently added to the Google Plus and will be a welcome addition to webmasters who would like to unsubscribe themselves from certain annoying mail notifications.

The new feature that has been added to the search console looks like the following picture where webmasters are allowed to enable or disable

search console preferences

The new feature enables webmasters to unsubscribe or enable to get notifications again based on their preferences. The new feature resembles a bit like Whatsapp where people have option to mute rooms, although this one is completely new where it helps one to stop receiving notifications from mails that one really doesn’t prefer to get notifications from.

To recap the new feature has the following options

  • All the mails muted or unmuted are listed as shown in the picture.
  • Webmasters have option to enable notifications based on their preference.

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