You have created a website and somehow are managing to get visitors, but nothing more than that. The need for a transition from regular visitors to loyal customers is a much-needed breather for every business. E-commerce platforms count on such transitions to have a robust growth. From static to dynamic, the inflection in whole web development process took place without any form of latency. The need to outstand their respective competitors is burgeoning by the day, by the minute.
What is Call to Action?
Whenever there is a visit from probable customers, the presence of a call to action button can compel them to act in a certain way. To be more discreet, you are inviting a person to perform an action which can either be a signup or a simple download. Your web page is not at all limited to a single CTA button as you can include multiple buttons to enhance the overall user-experience. It is a way of appealing to perform some sort of action and also a perfect marketing strategy to generate more leads.
An inspiration through Button Design concept, a Ghost button is the perfect way to achieve CTA. So what is a ghost button? How is such a simple concept managing to capture more eyeballs?
Firstly, a Ghost button deals with a thin border, text, and a transparent background. These Ghost buttons create excellent visual effects and is managing to enhance the interactivity level with respective users. Also known as flat web design, this concept is fast growing on every developer around the world. Now, everything is good, but how are these Ghost buttons developed? In the following section this query will be answered efficiently.
CSS on the Roll
CSS3, the new version of CSS aka cascading style sheets, defines about how the content or HTML elements are to be defined on a browser. From layout to a color gradient, the developer will have enough advocacy to perform the necessary actions accordingly. The Ghost button is effective only when the developers use appropriate, contrasting colors for the whole design. Through reducing the meaty appearance, these Ghost buttons imparts a professional look for the websites.
The Emergence
Looks prominent on a web page, easily visible, requires a simple action, but how did Ghost buttons come into the picture? A vague depiction can be given on this,
- The HUD, for data projection- HUD which stands for Head-up displays can be considered as the first origin of this new found trend. Here the transparent data are projected at the user’s viewport without blocking the viewpoint. Initially used in military aviation, this technology is making its place even in other commercial applications.
- iOS- Apple through redesigning iOS7 increased the popularity of Ghost buttons. Google later followed its steps by implementing this trend in their Nexus 7 websites.
- Bootstrap, a free, open-source front-end web framework- Frameworks are considered as the foundation for developing highly functional websites. When Bootstrap3 came out, it had incorporated ghost buttons on its homepage, thus making it more popular.
Ghost buttons can be made more engaging through a simple transitional effect. Easy to create, these buttons with slight modifications in their properties can be more appealing. Development is all about up gradations and adoptions, not only they provide better user-experience but also gives an edge to the modern take on.