Key SEO Metrics

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Keyword Rankings

Keywords Rankings can help in measuring performance of trying the particular keywords you are trying to rank for.
Even though traffic from keywords aren’t significantly higher measuring their performance helps in understanding whether you’re targeting the right keywords, whether you are growing in the right direction.


Backlinks are one of the factors behind rankings. A big part of SEO tasks should be based around getting backlinks. You can measure your link building activities by monitoring your backlinks for quantity and quality. Links from low quality and spammy sites will not help the scores of your URL much.
Tracking backlinks helps in evaluating the cost per link, the success of your link building campaign and to find new relationships for sharing URL in other websites.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the visitors who visit your blogs or articles through search engine. They usually increase when your articles and blog pages start to rank higher in search engines and people visit them for information. Organic traffic is the most preferred traffic since it is free and draws potential customers to your website.

Paid traffic may not bring in the number of potential customers when compared to the amount of money you might be spending for PPC, which is why organic traffic is more important and very cost effective.

Average time on page

The more amount of time a user spends on your page the more chances that you might actually have a potential customer for your business. Lot of factors like attractive design, easy navigation, and good quality content can help in increasing the time visitors spend time on your web pages.
If you have a higher bounce rate you might want to look into improving the factors mentioned above so that you retain the visitors and turn them into potential customers.

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