Should we breathe easily thinking that our websites are safe in the hands of a proper web hosting solution? Well, the answer is no. Because, let’s say suppose a site has gained huge popularity, which implies that there is a huge traffic. Now, even with a proper hosting solution to back there are chances that the site may crash or the loading time may increase. So, before starting a debate on this issue let us know something about CDN.
CDN – short for content delivery network is a network of servers that performs based on the geographical location of a user. Here, CDN acts as an intermediate node between the user and web hosting server. In simple words, to avoid the web hosting server from crashing due to overwhelming traffic a CDN is used. Whenever a user visits the website he is redirected to the nearby CDN server where all the data are stored in a cache memory to reduce the amount of access time.
In a recent adoption CDN has started providing data through P2P backed hybrid model rather than the traditional dedicated servers. This new hybrid model is a combination of both dedicated servers and peer-user-owned computers.
Why the transition to Hybrid Model???
Reliability, scalability, and flexibility – the three triplets are easily achieved once the hybrid model is inducted in to action. Unlike client-server model this approach makes the site fault tolerant and secure against DoS attacks. With P2P back-up, hybrid topology is considered as the best choice for load balancing and avoiding server failures. Through P2P networking the users can share all the data and resources among themselves. This avoids direct load on servers, thus making it more reliable and approachable. Some of the major benefits of using a hybrid topology are:
- Easy to troubleshoot
- Enhanced user-experience through easy data access
- Cache memory ensures less loading time
- Better control over data and resources
- Makes communication a lot easier aspect
- Allows to isolate an affected node to maintain a consistent performance
The Bottom Line
Minimizing the unnecessary traffic can create a lot of ripple effects in the performance phase of a website. Since P2P has evolved from basic centralized architecture to complex hybrid architecture the process of data sharing is becoming more resilient with less latency.