3 Facts About SEO You Might Not Be Aware of


It is a well-known fact that search engine optimization is good for websites as this form of optimization uses tried and tested techniques to boost your webpage in search results, as well as draws traffic to your webpage. Listed below are 3 facts about SEO that you should be aware of before you choose a SEO expert to optimize your website to be internet ready.

  1. 75% of the SEO done on Websites is Off-page Optimization – Yes, on-page optimization such as good content and keywords is important for websites as this does help improve organic traffic and give a good user experience. A good SEO expert will spend time using on-page optimization techniques that include but are not limited to, appropriate keywords that are placed accurately, relevant image tags for each image and meta data. However, majority of the SEO work done on websites is basically done back end through external link, back links, anchor links amongst other things.
  2. Click through Rates Can Be Increased with Attractive Meta Data –Meta data that appeals to browsers, can entice them to visit the website through a search engine listing. This is known as a click through rate which gets users directly to your website without the need of internet marketing and other campaigns. Meta data should preferably be limited to 155 characters, including spaces and other matter.
  3. Effective Page Titles Can Pull In Traffic and Do More – The main content of an article is by far the most important element for on page optimization, content that flows well and is not stuffed with keywords is always preferred to spin content. However, effective titles that reach out and captivate your audience can help you get increased click through rates as well. Editing an existing page title to include relevant words written in a professional manner can help you increase existing ratings.

Getting Access to Affordable SEO solutions

SEO solutions are believed to be expensive and often unreachable to start-up enterprises. One of the other important facts about SEO that you should know about is that optimization services are not always expensive and by choosing an SEO expert from an offshore location, you can easily get both on-page and off-page solutions within a budget. Choosing affordable SEO solutions, is not a tough task, following 3 simple steps can help you significantly; look for testimonials on the expert’s website, look for case studies of past work and ask the selected SEO expert for a portfolio. Once you have narrowed down potential affordable SEO solutions, the final step is to ask for a quote and close the deal with a contract that is legally abiding. This will keep both your and the contractor’s interests safe when you work together.

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