AMP Error Notice in Search Results


The recent update from Google features site owners being shown AMP implementation errors in search results. It is important to note that the error shows up only for the site owners and not for the public. The error shows as a snippet with the message “Your page has AMP implementation errors” hyperlinked to a documentation showing the details of the error. The documentation will also provide the steps required to fix the error.

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The following picture shows how this new error shows up in search results for site owners.

google amp errors

Google has been actively pushing AMP for mobile search results which seems to be the future. As discussed in one of the earlier articles on AMP, it would not be the reason for ranking boost for the time being. That might all change depending on the popularity and how much Google looks to embrace AMP for the mobile search results.

This recent update on showing AMP implementation errors will help site owners and webmasters to understand the nature of the error and take the necessary steps as provided in the documentation that is generated to fix it.

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