Will SEO Take A Backseat With The Emergence Of Mobile Apps?


At a recent mobile developer conference it was interesting to note a message stating that SEO, SEM and blue links are on the decline, because people are not using browsers anymore. We are definitely at the doorstep of mobile apps revolution. With the increase in the number of mobile users people depending on mobile apps have definitely increased. But this will not actually bring an end to SEO.

Though mobile apps provide a wide range of services the dependence on browsers still remains a huge priority considering the amount of information that lies in the wide world of Internet that can be accessed only through browsers.

Mobile apps are still at the starting stage to challenge the dominance of browsers and the amount of information that can be gathered through them.

When it comes to collecting a wide range of information browsing still remains the main source. Mobile apps do provide a lot of features and user friendly features, but it has not come to s stage where it can completely takeover browsing activities. Most of the information that people are looking for still remains on the Internet that can be accessed only through browsers. The emergence of mobile apps does change the importance of SEO a little considering the effect it has had in the past.

SEO will still remain as the process through which businesses and individuals will like to show themselves to the world through their website rankings. A better ranking in the search engine is still an important factor in the success of a business on how they are reaching the targeted customers. Some predict that mobile apps will change the way local search has played a part so far while the rest of the business to business activities will still be largely dependent on SEO.

With the emergence of Google Now and Microsoft Cortana the devices are being pushed to understand the patterns of the users and make it easier for them to find what they are looking for on the Internet. SEO will remain a significant factor in the long run as giants like Google try to integrate app indexing to their search engines for ranking mobile apps.

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