Unsurprisingly, firms are abandoning traditional marketing strategies favouring social media marketing. You can’t turn the channel or change the page on social media platforms as you can on TV or the newspaper; advertisements are unavoidable. Moreover, these platforms deliver a high return on investment due to its global reach.
There are numerous social media networks available, and some of them are extremely popular with the target population. If you ask experts which social media network is ideal for establishing a brand, Instagram will be the answer.
The number of users on Instagram isn’t what makes it the most popular social networking platform! Even though Facebook has more users than Instagram, it is the clear winner regarding engagement, convenience of use, and target market penetration.
Why is Instagram the best social media marketing platform nowadays?
Better content display
Instagram is way better than Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform, as it allows you to establish your business image through photographs and videos. However, you might object because you can post ads on other platforms, such as Facebook. So, what makes Instagram better? First, Instagram is unique because of its user interface.
When using a PC to access Facebook, one may see images, links, sidebars, chat screens, etc. Despite having a website, Instagram is primarily used by 700 million people worldwide through its official mobile app. They only see Instagram ads in the form of videos and pictures. As a result of the clutter-free User Interface, you’ll have improved customer engagement.
Improved Target Market Penetration
When it comes to purchasing, young men and women are impulsive shoppers who are simple to convince. An Instagram account is used by over 60% of internet users between 18 and 29. Today’s kids earn a lot of money and are eager to spend it if you persuade them that you have a fantastic offering.
What better location to post a high-resolution photo or a short video of your goods and direct customers to your website than Instagram? In addition, about 70% of all Instagram users are female, and they adore shopping!
Instagram users are active and devote a significant amount of time to it
This is where Instagram thrives above all other social media platforms. According to a survey, Instagram users are fifty-eight times more likely than Facebook users to remark, like, or share a photo. That is the pinnacle of consumer involvement. The more people share your material and comment on it, the better it is for your business.
Instagram is quite strict about fake accounts, and they make sure that your company name is verified so that people can recognise the brand they adore. Although it is crucial to have a presence on all social media platforms, Instagram should be at the top of your list if you plan your social media marketing strategy for 2022.
Call Adroitte
Contact us to discuss your social media marketing requirement. Call us today on +917760487777 or 08041127377 or message us on our contact form and we will reply back ASAP. We can discuss how we can strategically implement social media marketing for your organization.