With Facebook boasting of over 500 million active users, businesses can no longer ignore the importance of Facebook in brand building and management. Facebook pages also offer businesses a wide range of functionalities, which make them more interactive than a static web page. Additionally, Facebook pages are indexed and findable through Google and other search engines, which allow for maximum keyword optimization.
Here are some tips that you can use to build and promote your brand using Facebook.
Promote your Facebook Page: After creating your Facebook page and filling out all the necessary information, be sure to take further steps to actively promote your page. Simple steps like including a Facebook widget on your blog, or installing a wordpress plug-in can help in marketing your services effectively. Alternatively you could also pay for an ad on Facebook, which has been proved to be quite an effective way to tap into a larger customer network.
Post on your wall regularly: Make sure you post on your wall at last once a day. Updating your page on a regular basis can help in brand recognition and development. Regular communication with those who ‘like’ your page will go a long way towards promoting your brand.
Participate on other pages: Active participation on other pages is equally important in effective brand promotion. Make time to visit other industry-relevant pages and post comments on those pages, to gain added exposure for your business.
Use interactive marketing techniques: Facebook marketing is different from the traditional one-way marketing technique that is most commonly used. Ensure that you take all efforts needed to interact with your customers and engage with them on a personal level.
Hold a contest on Facebook: Facebook contests are an effective marketing technique that can be used for brand promotion. But be sure that you have read the Facebook ‘Promotions Guidelines’ before holding a contest on Facebook.
Link your blog to your Facebook page: If your company has a blog, link it to your page through the Networked Blogs application found on Facebook. This application can be found under the Apps section under “Edit Info” from your page’s home page.
Make use of the row of photos on top of your page: Facebook has recently started to display a row of pictures on top of each page. Make use of this opportunity to showcase your various products and services.