Many people confuse the terms graphic and web designing however; in actuality professionals who complete these tasks have different skill sets. Although the initial training for both graphic and web designers is the same when the professionals choose a speciality, the training module changes as well. The primary difference between the two principles is that, graphic designers create material for print media while web designers create material for websites and other digital media.
Listed below are 3 intrinsic differences between graphic and web designing.
- Fonts – Usually graphic designers can use modern fonts to design print media as the buyer holds the material in his hand thus reading is a lot easier. The font size for print media can vary as well. Web designing experts are aware that they need to use standard fonts with a certain font size to help the audience read the matter on a variety of devices.
- Resolution – Graphic designers prefer to use a picture resolution that is on the higher limit as this makes the print advert more appealing and attractive. Graphic designers do not have to worry about the image size either; they are free to use heavy images. Web designers are restricted to using images with a maximum of 72ppi because any images with a higher resolution will take a very long time to load on screens such as mobiles, laptops and PDAs. Web designers have to worry about the total size of the image, as heavy files will take an eternity to load on hand held devices.
- Colour Differences – Graphic designers are permitted and encouraged to use images in a CMYK colour model as this is conducive to the needs of print media. Using the CMYK model gives graphic designers an edge as a lot more can be done on this model as compared to the RBG model. Web designers are confined to use the RBG colour model with a preferred resolution of 640×480 pixels. Although the preferred resolution might vary, the RBG colour model is always fixed as this is ideal for digital screens.
The job of a web designer is not an easy one as compared to a graphic designer; however each discipline has its own restrictions and challenges. If you want to hire both graphic and web designing experts, then consider finding a web development company with a dedicated team. This will ensure that you get all the services you need in one place and that you do not have to waste time sourcing, hiring and vetting graphic and web designers before every project commences.
Primary Keyword – Graphic and web designing
Secondary Keyword – Graphic and web designers