3 Ways to Source Affordable Web Designers


Finding affordable web designers seems to be a thing of the past; however it is still possible to find and hire a web developer worthy of giving work to on a regular basis by following some of the easy to follow techniques that are mentioned below.

#1 – Word of Mouth – Finding service providers through references is the oldest way to locate reliable help.

The benefit of this way to source affordable web designers that you know are worth hiring due to the reference you have received. The limitation of this technique is that these days everything is done through the World Wide Web so relying on someone to give you a reference might be a time consuming process as compared to looking for a contractor online.

#2 – Through the Power of Google – A relatively new age technique to locate and hire a web designer, is to use the power of Google along with keywords and look for a service provider that meets your needs. The benefit of this technique is that when you look for 1 provider, you might find 10, due to the choice available. You can also look beyond the normal limits and plan to offshore to a reliable contractor from India or similar countries, thus saving money and resources. The limitation of this technique is that, you cannot be sure of the quality of work that is generated by the contractor. A solution to this problem is to ask for a portfolio, reference of past clients, samples completed for past clients and hold a brief online interview for a few minutes before you hire any chosen contractor.

#3 – Portals to Connect Clients with Affordable Web Designers – An effective way to find contractors that are located onshore or offshore is to use a reliable portal that connects contractors with clients. The benefit of this technique is that you can check the feedback scores of the contractor before you hire him. The limitation of this technique is that, majority of these portals require a paid membership if you are hiring contractors frequently. In addition, there might be other mandated actions to be completed before you find a contractor, such as verifying your phone number, adding a credit card and verifying the credit card. These mandated actions might not be acceptable by some clients who are worried about their privacy and security. A solution to this problem is to use PayPal and similar encrypted payment methods and to use a work phone number instead of a personal one.


Usually the techniques of using Google and portals are considered to be the quickest and most effective ways to hire reliable contractors. Portals and escrow payments protect the rights of both contractors and clients while legally binding contracts do the same thing when you hire a web designer directly through Google.

Primary Keyword – Affordable web designers

Secondary Keyword – Hire a web designer

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