How Websites And Apps Play A Crucial Role In The Fight Against COVID19

Covid app and website

Communication is the key during any nationwide emergency.  In spite of the horror of Covid-19, imagine how much worse this pandemic would be without the internet.

Thanks to the latest online updates regarding the health information, news, rules of lockdown, etc, it is easier to handle the situation.  Various sites & apps have helped people work from home, opened up new jobs in terms of online delivery, and children to learn from home.

Importance of Website and Apps During the Pandemic

Web developers large and small are mobilizing around the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak to create new ways of dealing with the crisis using websites and apps. Listed below are few such efforts:

  1. Health systems around the world are using catboats, drive-through clinics and telemedicine to address the needs of coronavirus patients.
  2. E-commerce- sites and apps—are key in the global fight against COVID-19. Online grocery shopping and delivery are helping to avoid in-person contact and reduce the risk of new infections.
  3. Websites offer online training not only to fight the coronavirus but also people sitting at home can upskill themselves through a lot of sites offering free / paid online courses.
  4. Mobile Apps are available for people to self-report their symptoms and alerts users if they come within 100 meters of an infected person.
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  6. The Apps help trace a newly infected person and then inform all who came in contact with that person, thus making it easier to trace the potential cases.
  7. Apps are designed to help control the spread of coronavirus and make their information accessible to the common people.
  8. There are websites that use google maps extensively to connect those who need help and those who would like to help.
  9. Staying connected with the outside world via news channel apps and newspaper apps.
  10. Being social is much easier with Skype, Zoom, Facebook, etc.
  11. Entertainment apps and sites have seen a new boom with people now spending about 4 times more time online than before.

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen the internet at its best: enhancing lives, acting as a vital public good, and connecting people in creative, positive ways. It is both a lifeline and a critical force in helping to curb the spread of the COVID19 by providing vital public health information and helping us live virtually when meeting physically threatens human lives.

Call Adroitte

Contact us to discuss your NGO related website design requirement. Call us today on +917760487777 or 08041127377 or message us on our contact form and we will reply back ASAP. We can discuss how we can strategically implement NGO website design successfully for your organization.

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