5 Best E-commerce Remarketing Strategies

E-commerce Remarketing Strategies

E-commerce remarketing is adopted when a customer abandons the shopping cart and leaves a website without completing a sale.

Also referred to as ‘conversion marketing’ or ‘cart abandonment email marketing’, E-commerce remarketing is a form of tactic to bring back the visitor and convert him into a paying customer. But normally speaking, people leave their online shopping cart for many reasons.

REASON 1: Distraction, yes it can happen. Your potential customers can get distracted even at the last point of a conversion funnel. When that happens, they’ll just leave.

REASON 2: Maybe they entered the conversion funnel too early? Hence decided to return with their window shopping activity?

REASON 3: Perhaps they wanted to learn about better deals than the one they are already looking at? Or they found a much better deal on your competitor’s website?

REASON 4: Or maybe they wanted to buy later on and forgot?

Abandonment Rate: A look into Statistics……..

It is quite clear from the graph that the percentage of online shoppers leaving the cart has clearly raised from 59.8% to 69.23%, which is a 15.79% increase from 2006 to 2017.

If we take according to the device used, then the global average of shopping cart abandonment is touching 77.24%.



In this blog, we will learn different strategies that can be implemented by E-commerce business owners to reduce these numbers. Before that, let’s look into places where they can execute these strategies.x

Places you can remarket your E-commerce Business


Using Facebook Pixel, it’s easier to track the browsing history/buyer’s journey. With Facebook’s custom audiences from your website, the remarketing strategy with relevant ads will be more effective. The ads will appear on customer’s Facebook’s news feed after they have visited your website.

Twitter, the second most popular social media platform, helps you capture lost sales. You can tailor Twitter ads specific to customers by creating a conversion pixel for your website.
Under Twitter remarketing, you can target customers/shoppers who have used specific keyword in their tweets or hashtags.
You can do this by installing Facebook Pixel on your website. If you are running a Facebook ad campaign, then starting Instagram retargeting ad campaign is relatively easier.
Today, people watch a lot of informational videos before they buy some product. YouTube is the best bet to target shoppers with a targeted ad along with the video.
The benefits of using Pinterest Ads Manager are you can target customers in three new methods – Customer list targeting, visitor retargeting, and Lookalike targeting.
If you go by Google AdWords campaign, you have unlimited opportunities to remarket your products. Your website visitors will see targeted ads whenever they are browsing or reading some news site.

There are a lot of methods and platforms you can choose from for running your e-commerce remarketing campaigns. Utilizing each of these options, you will have enough opportunities to recapture your visitor’s attention, while they are browsing other sites.

In the following section, you will learn about different remarketing strategies that you need to implement.

Improve your E-commerce Business Conversion Rates with these Remarketing Strategies

1. Create Product/Category Specific Ads

Comparatively, an e-commerce business will have a lot of products and categories. If you are remarketing and creating ads, then it has to be carried out with a more specific approach.

The more specific your ads campaign is higher will be the conversion rate. Let’s say a customer left your website after looking into suede boots. Here, your ad focusing on suede boots should be more detailed. It should tell whether the product is for men or women.

Its better you create two different lists, one for each category. Narrower the approach, more effective will be your targeting/remarketing strategy.

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2. Audience Segmentation by Depth

One of the common mistakes of an online business remarketing is creating or focusing the ad campaign for each person who landed on the website. It’s like firing randomly into a crowd. You are not specific who you want to be your customer.

Focusing only on those, who have been a part of the conversion funnel, but left before completing the journey must be the focus of your remarketing ad campaign. By segmenting audience/customers based on their interaction with a specific product, category, time on site, and the journey on check out page, you can increase the probability of purchasing.

3. Sequential Remarketing

Focusing on the sequence of actions taken by the customer in buyer’s journey constitutes sequential remarketing. For instance, the user may click on an ad, arrive on landing page, add a product to the cart, but finally, may leave without completing the buying cycle. The sequence of actions may vary for each customer. The ads you create should relate to the previous action taken by that customer. As doing so, you will encourage him to convert.

In addition to this, your remarketing ad campaign should also focus on the frequency of visits. When was the last time your customer visited your website? A day ago, a week ago, two weeks, three weeks, or a month back?

4. Remarketing for Specific Dates/Special Dates

Do you have any specific set of customers who visit you only on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

You may have customers, who prefer shopping before two weeks of Christmas then you can tailor ads according to their needs. You may also find customers, who selectively purchase product only on sale days.

Google has this new feature, where you can create remarketing lists based on selective dates. Using this most useful option, you can be more granular in your remarketing ad campaign. The drop-down feature with options, before, after, and between allows choosing of desired date period.

5. Broad RLSA Strategy

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads abbreviated as RLSA is an ad campaigning strategy that goes beyond traditional keyword targeting method. According to Google, RLSA is a feature that allows you customize or tailor the ad campaign or bids based on a customer’s action who previously visited your website.

You can bid on keywords that normally you don’t bid on, like broader keywords just for those customers who placed a product in the cart and left without purchasing it. The strategy increases your chances of improving conversion rate.

The RLSA strategy may sound confusing or appear same if you have ever used traditional display remarketing. But both the concepts are completely different. The only common thread is they both use cookies to track users in helping advertisers for creating lists.

Call Adroitte

Contact us to discuss your remarketing related requirement. Call us today on +91 7760487777 or 08041127377 or message us on our contact form and we will reply back ASAP. We can discuss how we can strategically implement remarketing successfully for your organization.

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