Should You Learn Optimization or Choose Professional SEO Services?


Knowledge is power because any kind of information is never wasted and information empowers you to do tasks that you could not accomplish before. Yes, every client should learn basic optimization techniques as this ensures that he knows exactly what is happening when his website is developed and optimized for the internet. Listed below are 3 helpful SEO techniques you should know about before you choose professional SEO services.

3 Must Know SEO Techniques for 2016

  1. Submit Sitemap from 4A to Search Engine Webmaster tools – Once the process of completing 4A and hosting a sitemap on your website has been successfully completed, you can easily quicken the process of Google, Bing and other search engines discovering this map. The simplest and most effective way to do this is register with the Webmaster tools initiative; submit the sitemap that you have created to Google and Bing.
  2. Create a Robots.txt File and Upload it – A robots.txt files basically alerts search engines and informs them about the information that is available, the information that should be crawled, the information that should be avoided and the exact location of the sitemap. Websites that use this technique should contain the following information – User-agent:* Sitemap: If you want to avoid any pages from being showed in the search engine results, then add this line to the txt file – Disallow: /page-to-be-blocked/
  3. Use Content that is Original – Plagiarised content can harm your websites in 2 ways; it can get your website blacklisted by Google and it can make readers skip visiting your website. Original content that is optimized using relevant keywords is recommended by Google and is interesting to readers. Ensure that the content you create has primary and secondary keywords that are placed evenly throughout the body of the content. The keyword density that is used by most experts who offer professional SEO services ranges from 1%-3%, remember not to spam the content with keywords as this looks unnatural and can dissuade both readers and search engines from giving your website importance.

When Should You Choose Professional SEO Services?

Most clients choose web development services and SEO solutions in 2 situations. The first situation is when they do not have either the time or expertise to optimize a website on their own. The second situation is when they want a professional and sturdy website that is optimized flawlessly. If you are planning to choose optimization solutions, then contact us today to know how we can help you get affordable SEO packages that are ideal for your business needs. By contacting us you can also choose from customized packages that consist of internet marketing campaigns, pay per click solutions and web development services.

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