Google Real Time Search, is a feature provided by Google Search in which search results include relevant real-time information from sources such as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!Answers, blogs, news websites, etc. Amit Singhal, a Google fellow who heads Google’s ranking systems and oversaw the development of the new real time search system, defines Google Real Time Search as “Google’s relevance technology meeting the real-time web.”
The Significance of Google Real Time Search in SEO
Google’s Real-Time Search plays a significant role in Search Engine Optimization since it delivers search results on a keyword in real-time. By picking up trends and changing the structure of their results in real-time, Google offers search results that automatically flow with new information. The information displayed will include
- Tweets from Twitter
- Updates from Facebook and MySpace
- Content from Google News
- Content from Google Blog Search
- Newly created web pages
- Freshly updated web pages
- FriendFeed update
- Jaiku updates
- updates
- TwitArmy updates
Google Real Time and the Search Industry
Google’s Real Time Search has reinforced the value of social media for marketing. This will prove to be extremely advantageous for businesses participating in social media since they will be automatically included in real-time search results. With Google’s Real Time Search, the Search Industry now has a new tool by which they will be able to monitor online conversations about their businesses and observe which marketing events have directly caused an increase in word-of-mouth buzz.