The introduction of mini-websites has resulted in a number of providers offering multiple domain hosting, which gives companies the ability to host several sites under one account. While multiple domain hosting gives an account holder the advantage to host multiple domains on a single web hosting account, it proves to be a big disadvantage when it comes to search engine optimization. Here are the reasons why.
Multiple domains don’t help with blocking out competition
Some businesses are driven into a panic induced shopping spree of domains, in fear that their competitors will buy keyword oriented domains and push their own site into obscurity. While there is some truth in this tactic, it will have no effect on your SEO at all, the main reason being that it will work out too expensive just to maintain them all. Furthermore, your competitor could always rank better by offering better content and getting more links regardless of domain name.
Multiple domains don’t help you dominate search results
Some companies feel that by owning multiple domains they will gain more traffic and dominate the search results. While this may work out theoretically, there are some serious drawbacks. Firstly, if you have a single physical location, you could confuse visitors and customers by having multiple websites. Secondly, because content from another site can’t be used, you will have to write all new content for each new site. Finally, branding issues may occur when a single company owns two different sites.
Multiple domains double your SEO work
Companies who own multiple domains and wish to get these sites to show up in the search results, will have to double their SEO work. In reality, the new domain and site will be significantly harder to rank than a site that has history and some authority already built. But if you still wish to own multiple domains, it is better to make sure that all of your domains are redirected toward your main domain with the use of a 301 redirect.