Quality Vs Quantity Content, What Should We Favor for a better Content Marketing Campaign?

Quality Vs Quantity content

Getting to the heart of the readers is what referred as pinning down the content marketing campaign. Quality Vs quantity, but why not both? The first step to impress search engines is through producing quality content, and once you turn to readers give them more and the more content they find, longer your brand will stay in their minds. Content marketing doesn’t explicitly mean that a brand is being promoted. Stories are built around the products so readers would be compelled to do business with that brand.

Need a more defined explanation? Then let’s go through a conventional definition.

According to CMI (Content Marketing Institute),

‘Content marketing is creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.’

Leave the words quality and quality for few seconds, but why businesses need content marketing?

Because people do research before they actually make up their mind to buy a product. Reading blogs, articles, white-papers, any intense content piece will help them remember your brand for a longer time.

Any successful content marketer would agree with this quote, ‘I believe in the magic and authority of words.’

You cannot just argue over the quality and quantity, you need to balance both to run a successful content marketing campaign.

In this blog post, we will not see a debate over whether it is quality or quantity, but analyze the importance of each in detail.

Why is Quality Content Important?

  1. Quality content returns high value for the business through maximum shares, organic traffic to the website, leads, conversions, and good ROI.
  2. Google search bots look for quality content that is not keyword-stuffed but keyword rich, engaging, and informative.
  3. High-quality content addresses the pain points of the customers. People find it useful and view them as a solution for their requirements.Your website is selling garden equipment; you can have a blog that reads something like this,

    ‘5 Essential Garden Tools that Everyone Should Have’

    Develop high-quality content, introduce garden tools that you sell, provide backlinks to your website and earn leads.

  4. Low-quality content will not have much impact on the audience who are more into the research looking for quality information. They need attention-grabbing headlines as well as engaging fact-rich valuable content.

But is there a proper definition of quality content?

No, but the marketing professionals should follow Google’s search quality rating guidelines and not crossroads with Google’s Panda algorithm.

According to Google, quality content is described as

quality content according to google

Reasons Why Quantity matters in Content Marketing?

  1. Technically speaking, newspapers, magazines, journals, white papers, and articles don’t run on the keyword strategy, but on heavy (and high quality) content.
  2. A decent amount of content is certainly required if your websites need a good readership. Readers fancy flashy, keyword rich headings, but they look more after that, this where quantity gains an upper hand.
  3. You can address pain points in both 100-word blog as well as a 2000-word blog, but all it defines is the depth of research conducted.
  4. But again, if the word information-rich is being induced, then it doesn’t imply content is prioritizing only quantity.

Facts you should know

  • The average word count of top-ranked content in Google is between 1,140-1285 words (Source: SearchMetrics)
  • Longer, in-depth blog posts generate 9x more leads than short ones (Source: Curata)
  • 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. (Source: BlogHer)
  • Companies that publish 16+ blog posts per month generated 4.5x more leads than companies publishing 0-4 monthly. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Blogging is responsible for 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links (Source: DemandMetric)

Today, audiences are spoiled for choice, so it was never quality Vs quantity, and neither will be in future. So, create a balanced content and you will witness approving results.

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