Thanks to educational apps, today students and educators need not carry heavy books or scale huge dusty library shelves. Educational apps promise better learning for students over traditional methods. They make learning fun, engaging, and digestible and thence is being accepted widely around the world. And today you can easily find hundreds of educational apps or maybe even more.
The reason is quite simple; they bring innovation to the education system. But yet again, the question arises, is it just a fad? Decades back, educational training institutions, hardly could you have found them on your locality, but today you can find at least one at every corner of the road. The logic here is pretty straightforward, a trend is being followed and in the process, the quality of education is being compromised.
Today, it’s the same case for educational apps, you can find hundreds of them, but do all of them provide the same quality?
Maybe or maybe not.
As everyone is in a race to be the part of the innovative digital educational system, things will be compromised. But if you are yet to start or is in the process to be a part of that system, the quality should be the FOCUS of your education app.
Why Quality Matters in an Educational App?
When we say ‘Educational app’, various elements come into the picture and the element with greater focus is the ‘CONTENT’.
When there is a question about quality, it’s not just about how easily can a user access the application, it is also about how well the content can be interpreted.
A good quality educational app consists of not only an easy-to-use interface but also simple and rich content enough to keep student glued to the device with interest.
Now, let’s see how a quality educational app can make a difference.
Cognitive Improvement
Cognitive skills are brain-based skills, and children get to develop them when they perform challenging tasks. When an app is designed with good quality content, the learner will find it easier to solve challenging issues and this of course, helps and motivates the child to develop his cognitive skills.
Accelerated Development
If an app is developed for enhancing the learning style of a student then it certainly does. Unlike traditional textbook methods, a good educational app allows students to easily interpret the complex concepts in a less amount of time.
Improves Self-worthiness
An app with good feedback system allows the learner to be more confident and stay ahead in their approach. The features not only improve self-confidence but prepare the student to be more proactive to the challenges. In few words, a good quality educational app helps in overall mental development.
How much is Mobile learning being supported?
There is no second thought that learning apps will soon reshape the future of education system, but how to identify the right one? What characteristics should you look into if you are choosing one?
Or, if you are developing one, what are the features that should not be missed?
Powerful Features that are must for an Educational App
- A Solid, Supportive Database
There will a lot of information to be stored and accessed, so the database architecture should come with a good reliable design.
Educational app is something where the data will be uploaded on a regular basis and will be accessed in real-time. So, when a student wants to access video or any other form of content, he should be able to do that without any interference. And this would happen only if the application is running on a high-powered database.
So, the first requirement for an educational app is it should have a solid database.
- Simple Login Feature
Let’s say you are developing an educational app, who would be your audience?
Of course, it’s the students.
So keep the design super clean, super simple.
The students should not find it difficult to create an account nor managing it.
As for as managing an application, it would be wise if you provide them with a dashboard. Because with a dashboard they can easily make their preferences for learning.
- All-Inclusive, Valuable Content
If you ask me how content should be designed for an educational app, then I would advise you to follow this.
The first thing is you should never forget that you are designing for students and every student doesn’t come with same grasping power.
So the conclusion is quite simple, even if your app is addressing a complex subject it should be structured in such a way that it should be easily understood by everyone.
- Simple, but a Well-Designed Interface
User-interface is all about how the app appears and interacts with the user.
The application design should be such that the students must be easily able to navigate around and find the information they need without much work.
The appearance should be simple; the navigation process should be easy. If you have ever used ‘paper’, an iPad sketching app, then you would know how good an interface should be.
Because this app not only supports natural gestures for navigation but is clear and concise for its users.
- Support for Interactions during LIVE Tutorials
Not all apps support this. You can create a virtual interactive environment for the students.
The feature allows students to interact with their peers or teachers anytime, anywhere and be clear of concepts.
It’s a win-win situation for both; the real-time interaction feature not only improves accessibility for students but will let your application stand apart from the rest of the crowd.
- Feedback Loops for Coordinative Learning
Two-way conversation makes it easier to exchange ideas and inputs and thus stimulates knowledge growth.
But generally speaking, everyone deserves recognition for their work and students especially will be motivated, making them more attentive when their actions are acknowledged.
Suppose student ‘A’ has solved a problem in an app, a simple feedback, ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ will keep him engaged and motivated for a longer time. So make sure that there is some kind of response to assure students that there are actions are right on track.
Call Adroitte
Contact us to discuss your app development related requirement. Call us today on +91 7760487777 or 08041127377 or message us on our contact form and we will reply back ASAP. We can discuss how we can strategically implement app development successfully for your organization.